Thursday 2 February 2017

The non-smiley, smiley baby

All babies are supposed to be smiley right? When you think of a baby you automatically picture this nice, serene little bundle of flesh, smiling away at everyone and everything. When you meet someones child, of course you want that child to like you and be the one that it smiles at, and I dont know about you, I wanted that child to be mine. When I was waiting for the arrival of my very own babe, I couldn't wait to see it's smile, and to have it beam at others and then be complimented! Ah THE DREAM.

All that changed when Liv came along.... Y'see Liv isn't your typical smile-r. and by typical I mean, she doesn't warm to people instantly, and quite often she wears the look of suspect on her tiny baby face. For me and my husband Liv always smiles and laughs and it almost comes easy, but have her look at anyone else? nope. No hello big smiles, no giggles when you tickle her, no toothy grins when you give her a treat, and lord almighty dont try to cuddle her. This wouldn't be so bad to me if I wasn't met with countless comments about how serious she is, or "someones not happy" I mean really?

Surely in life, as we grow up we are met with all kind of criticism, comments and judges from people so is it really fair to be judging a baby on the expression of her face? I think not. There is nothing more that rubs me up the wrong way, when people comment on how serious Liv is. I KNOW she is serious, I KNOW she's not smiling for you - I can see her too yknow, but the truth is I'm ok with it, but what I'm not ok with is people judging Liv on this basis alone. Of course, being typically British I go into panic mode when someone comments on her demeanor an make up stories as to WHY she isn't happy or doing her best Carol Smilie impression.

Liv saves her smiles and her enthusiasm for things that really get her going... hell, I've seen her laugh like a drain at a jigsaw puzzle once, she'll smile to herself when she feeds her toy baby and sometimes she even smiles for a complete randomer on the street - it happens, her face isnt broken. But she just figures everything out, she contemplates and so her squidgy features remain stoic. This may not last forever, but maybe she'll be like this forever but one thing you can bet you bottom dollar on is that if Liv does smile at you, she REALLY ruddy means it.

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