Thursday 21 November 2019

Self - care shenanigans

'Self - care' I'm pretty darn sure most of you are familiar with this term. It wasn't really something I was familiar with say 3  or 4 years ago, but in more recent times it has become a real thing.

Taking time out to take care of YOU: a massage, get your hair or nails did, coffee or a meal out, brunch with friends, a solo shopping trip.... I love it, sounds amazing, sign me right up, but the reality.... well, the reality is, WHEN do people get the sodding time and money to do it?

As most of you know, I have 3 relatively small children and my day is pretty much spent as follows:

6am - wake up and get ready for the day
6.30am - start getting brekkie ready
7am - get kids up and start feeding
7.30am - start getting them all dressed for the day/school
7.45am - begin shouting at them to PUT THEIR SHOES ON
8am - attempt to get every one in car
8.30am - school drop off
9am - preschool drop off
1.45pm - run around doing washing, drying, ironing, washing up, putting clothes away, feeding Carter, playing with carter, hoovering, cleaning toilets, drinking a coffee and basically NEVER SITTING DOWN
2.30pm - go to collect kids


I wish I was joking but by the time everyone is in bed 7.30pm I am knackered. I then get everything ready for the next day and go to bed. Where is the self care there? Maybe actually getting to wipe my bum after going to the loo? I love my life because I adore my children, but lately with all this talk of self-care and taking care of you it has left me feeling, how shall I say, slightly inadequate.

I dont have the manpower, and I certainly do not have the income to do it, and whilst I adore this little life I have, there is this side to me that wants a bit of what the others have got... I want me some self-care. I get all kinds of jealous of what social media shows me and what I hear about friends doing. What have they got that I haven't, why haven't I achieved the need for self-care and they have? Have I done something wrong?

The whole thing is stupidly ironic of course: Self-care is supposed to be all about spending time ON YOU, taking care of you, ridding yourself of stresses, yet for me, the whole idea of being able to achieve self-care is causing me to stress.... oh irony! So for now, Self-care is going to sit on my shelf alongside being able to take a bath alone and in peace, and being able to eat cake and not put weight on and I shall resume normal behaviour and still consider a hot cup of coffee a complete and utter treat.

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