Friday 19 May 2017

10 ways to boost productivity as a stay-at-home mum

One thing I seemed to really struggle with post having a baby and then the consequently giving up work was how to be productive! Days would simply merge into one another, time would pretty much disappear (either going by two quickly and you haven't done anything, OR going so slowly you cannot believe you've still got 6 hours left of single parenting until the husband gets home) I would drift from one meaningless task to another and never making headway with pretty much ANYTHING. I would make excuses or I would start and never finish about a gazillion jobs and then be so overwhelmed with the task in hand that I'd sink back into the dark hole of feeling a bit blue.

I like to be busy, who doesn't, and yes being a full time mum is a type of busy but its a lonley, unrewarded type of busy and that, for someone who has always enjoyed working, was finding hard. Some days I would seriously wonder what my purpose was. I didn't mean it in a selfish way, and it doesn't take away just how much I adore my daughter and how privileged I feel at being able to stay at home with her, it was a very personal feeling, a pre-baby feeling, the 'old Sarah' type feeling, and something had to change.

Small changes have led me to feel more wholesome in my quest to be more productive. Time really IS of the essence when you have kids and you want to do something else with your time/life and finally I feel I may have achieved a small glimmer of hope in this side of my life - so here are my top tips at boosting your productivity when you are a SAHM.

I would find myself writing endless long 'to-so' lists that just weren't achievable. YES - I really did have that much to do, but even looking at the list made the entire thing seem so unachievable in the small space of time I had, that I just didn't even want to begin and so the sofa seemed WAY more appealing.
I learn to filter down this list by aiming to complete just 2 things from that list per day. They didn't have to be two big jobs, but two jobs none the less. I instantly felt unpressured and felt I was more than capable to achieve what I was setting out to do. Filtering in time for just two jobs is WAY easier than finding hours on end to complete your list WHILST having a small person yell "mummy" at you for the 600th time.

If I completed these two jobs I wouldn't add to them, or feel like I had to do more, this was it, I was done. Everything else was for me or dedicated to Liv. I also felt I could schedule these two tasks much better on my weekly planner! Don't aim to high and shoot yourself down before you've even had a chance - you're worth more than that!

Sounds utterly trivial, but I have a weekly planner that I manually fill in either on a Sunday or Monday with the weeks tasks and goals. So I always feature Liv's plans, meal ideas and my tasks that I need to get completed. Get involved in some crazy kick-ass stationery - Paperchase is of course my go to favourite and for the small amount they cost it really makes you feel empowered to write all of your ideas and plans down.
I stick mine to my fridge so it's at an easy place to glance at every day. I feel more organised, more centred and less confused about what I should be doing and when! If it works better for you by doing it on your phone DO IT, but make sure you make the time to religiously do it every week!

I was the worst for wasting nap times. I used to set up  camp and just eat, watch tv and scan instagram and before I knew it, Liv was awake and again I'd achieved zilch in my day. Now, dont get me wrong, we all look forward to nap time as a way of chilling out so no matter what, limit yourself to a fixed time that you will achieve any tasks or goals you've set for yourself. I know Liv naps for an hour and a half so I'll work for 45minutes and the rest is relax time for me. Even if you use nap times to put some washing on and then go and relax for the remainder - you are STILL being productive. reward yourself. Remember dont set your goals or tasks to high - do what you can effectively.
If you're child doesnt nap, use the morning times to set your toddler up with an activity that requires minimal supervision and if it means putting on their fave tv channel for just an hour out of the day then so be it - dont be ashamed!
If you are planning on doing work such as blogging, writing, or any other computer based activity why dont you set yourself up a work station. One that fills you with comfort and relaxation. It can be anywhere - hell, even in bed if you wish, but creating an environment, away from too many distractions is best. For me, I use my kitchen table to blog from when Liv naps. I light a candle, lay my laptop out, have a pen and paper handy, a banana and a glass of water or mug of tea before I set to work. Set yourself up with meaning, get cushions on your chair, and even change into comfy clothes if you must. Make it a pleasurable experience.
I find I work better without the tv or music as I am queen of distraction however I continuously find the app 'Noisli' either on the laptop or on my phone as having some background noise. It's amazing how much more I find my ideas flow and how faster I work. My fave sound? the coffee shop! Find it here

Sounds absolutely ludicrous if you are a SAHM but if your child sleeps in until say 7am most mornings, why not schedule in for just one morning a week for you to wake up an hour/half hour earlier to do something for you. Whether it be a early morning run, some yoga, reading your fave magazines with a hot brew in silence or even choosing to do some housework. One morning a week isnt too much and you'll be amazed at home much you can get done with an extra hour. 
Don't get me wrong, I know when you've been up copious times in the night with little one the last thing you want to do is to wake up earlier but take each circumstance as it comes and be kind to you. The world is not going to stop because you didn't do this, just do it another day. And if your child wakes up at 6am or earlier everyday DONT go getting up an hour before that, instead use the early morning to be productive, do your chores, have a longer breakfast, get washed and dressed and you'll soon realise how much more time you have for the rest of the day. Try to turn the frown upside down!

You most definitely can't pour from an empty cup - trust me its true. Remember to keep your strength up by snacking and drinking often. I was finding myself leaving eating until the last minute so I would gorge myself on all the wrong stuff and then crash in the afternoon making myself feel sluggish and lazy. Now, I snack on fruit and veg sticks, and drink copious water.I was amazed at how dehydrated I had been before I purchased a water bottle. I know it sounds so simple and pathetic, but having a snazzy water bottle by the side of me reminded me to keep drinking, keep the fluids up and I instantly felt fuller and of more energy. That's not to say I dont have treats. BOY I HAVE TREATS, but I save them for the evenings so if I feel a bit BLAH, I can go to bed knowing Ive done everything I want too.
I'm a firm believer that reading and looking at things online that are of interest can create and stir something inside of you that boosts your productivity. Every morning I log onto Twitter, Instagram and read my fave blogs. I'll watch the latest news in between various episodes of Hey Duggee that Liv is watching and after getting immersed in the world of social media for no more than an hour I feel full of life and more creative. Look for things that catch your eye. It could be a headline that stirs a response in you that you want to blog. A play idea that you cant wait to try with your little one, or a place to visit as a family - social media is most definitely your friend when used wisely!

As much as social media can be a great tool, if like me and you love it a little too much, it can also really really hinder productivity. You can easily lose countless hours by scouring the internet with absolutely nothing to show for it. It also tends to make me feel like a pretty bad mum if I'm on it for too long when Liv is busy playing. Again, I limit myself to certain times (normally early morning and during nap times when I have done anything I want to do and when Liv has gone to bed). Pick your times wisely and when you're not on social media or on phone, delve deep into life in front of you and be present.

So if  you done well in your job you would receive praise, or a reward and whats to say this is any different. Look at you, you are a SAHM who has also managed to achieve everything on her weeks to do list! I mean superwoman! I give myself a little reward if I've done well, a morning out at the weekend to go drink coffee in peace, a new nail varnish, a whole hour of non stop tv watching... ANYTHING you like, but be proud of you - you deserve it!

And hey, if the day just isnt going to plan and the productivity is at an all time low DON'T WORRY. Grab a kiss and cuddle off your little one and trust me you'll feel a million times better. You are keeping a little one alive for Christs sake that is more than enough sometimes! 

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