Monday 2 July 2018

Why we chose a Gender Reveal Party

Last Saturday we hosted a gender reveal party. Even I cant believe that we done it to be fair: I've long thought the idea was properly wanky. I mean why on earth would people WANT to know or even care all that much about the gender of your baby - why should WE care even. We hosted ababy shower when I was pregnant with our first child, Liv, and it was beautiful, fun and really special. When I became pregnant with our second, Paige, I decided that there was no need to throw a party like this - wasnt because I was happy, I just didnt want everyone to be all *rolls eyes* sick of having to spend money on ANOTHER baby that we decided to have, however being pregnant again, with our third and final baby I felt compelled to do something.

For me, a baby shower wasn't the right way to go. Losing this one's twin at 13 weeks has made me view pregnancy in a whole different manner and way, almost a bit like some of the shine has been taking and th way I used to feel about being pregnant has been tarnished somewhat. It felt unfair and not to throw a party for this one remaining baby: its twin didnt get a chance to be thought of in this equation, nor will it ever be celebrated with gifts because he/she purely doesnt exist anymore and let me tell you, that shit hurts.

I had stumbled upon gender reveal parties A LONG TIME AGO. The Americans are full of them and I am one of THOSE people who have watched alot of the hilarious videos of them going wrong (if you havent watched those ones go do it now - lol) I've mocked them alot, to alot of people, and yet here I was wanting to throw EXACTLY that. So why? for me, it was my only chance to celebrate the fact we know whether this baby is a boy or girl, that we've got this far, but also a chance to celebrate our lost twin too. By making a deal out of our surviving twin2's gender, it was our chance to say goodbye and remember his or her's lost sibling. I began to put the wheels in motion purely by thinking of ideas on how to do the reveal and whether we wanted to find out before the reveal or leave it all as a surprise: we opted for the latter.

When we had our 20 week scan (I was already 23 weeks) I simply asked the sonographer to write the gender down in a card and place in an an envelope and seal it - NOT to show me at all. I then drove it straight to the lady who was organising the balloons. As it goes, I somehow ended up bringing it back home and not taking it to the balloon lady until a week later so having it just sat there was a little torturous! We went with the option to burst a balloon and have it filled with coloured confetti and mini balloons, rather than a cake option - I think with the balloon option you get an instant hit of TA-DA, whereas the cake is a slightly more slower option.

I was amazed at the amount of people that came to the party to be honest as I'm really aware its not everyones cup of tea but I do know that most people hadnt been to one before so were curious, either way it was super lovely that people made the effort to come. and so, what did we want - boy or girl? I've made no secret of the fact that I've always dreamed of having a baby boy, however judging by my previous luck Im fully aware I seem procreate girlies, This time round I knew i was lucky to be having a baby at all and that it was still alive, however I think Mark was secretly hoping it would be a boy otherwise I'd be making him go for a 4th!

So..... what are we having???

Im thrilled

1 comment:

  1. Really impressed with the heartwarming share. Such parties are full of love and affection. Heard a lot about wedding venues Los Angeles and my sister's pre bridal dinner over here will be the best day for her. Want to arrange a fabulous dinner with yummy cakes and pies. Feeling amazing for our adorable bride to be.
