Friday 30 June 2017

32 week bump

Cliche - WHERE IS THE TIME GOING!?!? 32 weeks already... I cannot believe it, and into the third trimester now.

Its crazy to think that in just 8/9 weeks time Ill be a mum of two (obviously dependent on when the babe decides to make her entrance! So much has happened since I last updated you all when all was quiet. It has now turned into hospital, midwife, consultant appointment galore with added scans to see baby (which is always nice) So I thought it would be time for a little update on the bump!

Things have been a little trying lately, and not for any other reason than a mixture of hormones and the fact I feel HUGE and I'm so frustrated at not being able to be with Liv properly, and play with her like I used too. Its a serious case of mum-guilt times a gazillion. Ive been trying to remain positive but my meditation times have taken a back seat thank to Love Island (my new nap time watch) and I feel like Im paying the price a little for it. Alongside this, I think the sudden panic of realising we're going to have another baby = meaning needing more money, more space, more patience..... all things we dont have enough of!

Well... according to the midwives and consultant I am spot on in terms of size for how far along, but oh my lordy I feel and look MAHOOSIVE! It's scary! I dont know if its just because I've forgotten how big you do get when pregnant and how your body changes, or I really AM this whale-like.... either way, in this weeks past heat wave Ive decided to give zero fucks and spend my majority of time in my bra and pants... obviously when Im indoors.. honest

Sciatica is still kicking my ass tbh - I just want to sleep god damn it, but HA! as if! I have my pregnancy pillow which does help and I am still trying  out the stretches but I think I'm doomed until the sprog comes out. Tiredness STILL, I swear being pregnant second time round is SO different when you have a toddler to run after. At the end of an evening, when Liv is in bed I swear I just sit and stare at a switched off tv in silence... just because....
I dont know if you can call this a symptom because tbf I dont really feel it, BUT I have high blood presure (I had it in late stages pregnancy first time round) but this time round its started super early so I am being monitored closely - Im going to do more of a post on this later but I definteyl think there needs to be more notice taken about blood pressure.
Alongside my BP issues, I have a very low lying placenta which is causing them a little bit of a concern (again more on this soon) obviously if my placenta doesnt move then a c-section is my only mode of delivery, something I really really dont want! I'll do a blog post on this more later.
Other than that I feel alot more heavier than first time round but I do think this might have something to do with a small tantrumming toddler to run after!

None what so ever! I get a little bit jealous of women who have cravings! I dont seem to of had any!

Non-existant! It's true what they say about this preparing you for all the sleepless nights up ahead. My normal routine is falling asleep on the sofa early evening, going to bed and waking up at about 2am and being awake for 3 or 4 hours! It's so soul destroying!

It's another girl!

Low point of this week:
One word: HEATWAVE... enough said!          

High point this week:
Managing to successfully say NO to something that was gonna stress me out,  and I feel so much better for it!

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